Welcome to the Sustainable Development online course
Sustainable development promoting – 1 competence point
Students know how to:
- follow the principles of sustainable development .
- take into account the principles of life cycle thinking
- consider solutions from ethical points of view.
Course Instructions
Sustainable Development studies is a part of the common degree of vocational qualification and it is compulsory with one credit unit. This online course allows you to complete the study independently by going through the materials and taking the final test online through this website.
The test contains questions from the introduction, UN 2030 goals, and all aspects of sustainable development. The questions comes in the form of statements, in which you will choose if they are true or false. Each question can earn a maximum of three points, thus each statement receives one point if it is correct.
After the test, you will receive a score, which you can check it on the table. The score and grades will be transferred directly to the associated teacher who will enter your grade in your credit record. You can get the right answers by re-examining the materials or by having a discussion with your tutor.
Enjoy your time while studying Sustainable Developments!